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You Did It!

Your class made it through the Junior Fire Marshal® Training Academy. Complete the final assessment and get ready to celebrate the newest class of Junior Fire Marshals.

Final Assessment
& Ceremony

You Did It!
You Did It!

The Final Assessment

Using your digital curriculum, use the final assessment to review what the students have learned throughout the Junior Fire Marshal® Training Academy.

The Final Ceremony

You did it! Together with your class, you have helped usher in a new class of Junior Fire Marshals. Celebrate their newfound knowledge during the final ceremony. It’s time to celebrate your students’ victory!

It’s important that your students understand that safety continues even after the lesson has ended. They should keep all of their fire safety tips top-of-mind and keep practicing their fire safety plans. Students should take their journals home and share what they’ve learned about fire safety with their families.

Ready for your Lesson?

Remember to print lesson materials and review activity overviews!

*The digital companion is best viewed on smartboards, laptops and tablets.

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