A fun way to teach your children the importance of fire safety at home!
Of all the lessons you'll teach your children during distance learning, fire safety is the one that may save their lives or yours. That’s why we created this fun, educational program you can complete at home,at your own pace.
Get your Fire Safety Checklist
Train your child to be a Junior Fire Marshall in four simple steps!
We've put together an overview of the program to better understand how simple it is. You can complete Junior Fire Marshal Training in just four easy steps:

What Your Child Will Learn
This program is designed to be modular, giving you the ability to control pace and timing. Each lesson can be taught in as little as 20 minutes or scaled up to 90 minutes, split across 5 days or completed in just one, depending on the excitement and engagement of your child. Your role will be to teach and guide your child through the curriculum and help them assess their comprehension at the end.
Building Excitementand Keeping a Journal
Lesson 2
Smoke AlarmsAre Important!
Lesson 3
Create and PracticeYour Escape Plan
Lesson 4
Establish Your OutsideMeeting Place